Write standard equation for waves.
An antenna is placed in a dielectric medium of dielectric constant $6.25$. If the maximum size of that antenna is $5.0\, mm$. it can radiate a signal of minimum frequency of $GHz .$
(Given $\mu_{ r }=1$ for dielectric medium)
In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetising fields are $100\,V\,{m^{ - 1}}$ and $0.265\,A\,{m^{ - 1}}$. The maximum energy flow is.......$W/{m^2}$
A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency $28 \,MHz$ travels in free space along the positive $x$-direction. At a particular point in space and time, electric field is $9.3 \,V / m$ along positive $y$-direction. The magnetic field (in $T$ ) at that point is
The electric field and magnetic field components of an electromagnetic wave going through vacuum is described by
$E _{ x }= E _0 \sin ( kz -\omega t )$
$B _{ y }= B _0 \sin ( kz -\omega t )$
Then the correct relation between $E_0$ and $B_0$ is given by
Figure given shows the face of a cathode-ray oscilloscope tube, as viewed from in front. $i.e.$ the electron beam is coming out normally from the plane of the paper. The electron beam passes through a region where there are electric and magnetic fields directed as shown. The deflections of the spot from the center of the screen produced by the electric field $E$ and the magnetic field $B$ separately are equal in magnitude. Which one of the diagrams below shows a possible position of the spot on the screen when both fields are operating?